
Sunday, July 10, 2011


Yesterday morning came with the realization that the only pressing, really had to do thing that was on my horizon for the entire day was stake up my tomato plants. This is an unheard of thing in our world right now, as we are trying to do ten million things, including build our house, keep this one clean (sort of), and happily live as a family of four in a shoe box.  But my sweet heart and I woke up and looked over the jumbley mess of our home and decided to go for a walk.
And our whole day was just as sweet.
We spent the first time, in a really long time, just enjoying each other's company with our little squeally munchkin while the other, much leggier one, was at the Mills swimming to her heart's content with the rest of her family.

It was such a wonderful day. We realized too that it has been a whole year almost since our wedding day at the land where we are building our house. As I tied up the tomatoes and we looked at the mad tangle of squash vines, Stella singing our soundtrack, we both relived the day in our minds. I am still so grateful every single day for the amazing gift of that day... Our family and friends, the beautiful land, each other.
Sorry to get gushy, but sometimes it just does it to me.
This life is such an incredible gift, and I thank you all for being a part of it. You add to the beauty.

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